About Our Star Ratings

Star ratings are a great way to describe the quality of a product or service in a simple way, and can be helpful.

With larger retailers, star ratings are based on reviews by actual customers, which is good, but there are things to be cautious of. For example, do we know if a 5-star rating is legitimate, or placed as a paid incentive? Do we know if a 1-star rating is legitimate, or placed by a competitor? And what about poor ratings from customers that clearly did not read the product description?

Algorithms may try to filter, but are far from perfect.

Time Clock Deals approaches this differently by not providing an open forum for reviews. Instead, we use our 20 years of experience in the industry to offer our opinion. An opinion based on experience, but just an opinion.

As you know, no product or service is perfect to everyone at all times, so we offer star reviews based on overall value.

You will not find 1-star or 2-star reviews. We list what we believe are the best time clocks for small businesses... which may only have 3 stars.