Compumatic XL1000E Calculating Time Clock (100 emp)

Get a Compumatic XL1000E calculating time clock for up to 100 employees. Fully automatic and and handles all pay periods.

Compumatic XL1000E Calculating Time Clock (100 emp)
$293.46 - on Time Clock Deals
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The Compumatic XL1000E is a calculating time clock. Employees clock in by placing their time card on the top of the machine. From there, the XL1000E will calculate the hours between punches and keep a running total through the pay period. We like the modern appearance. Handles up to 100 employees. Made in the US. We rate the XL1000E 4.0 out of 5 stars.

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  • Accommodates up to 100 active employees or jobs
  • Precision quartz controlled accuracy
  • Large illuminated digital display
  • Reliable high speed dot matrix printer
  • Easy to replace ribbon cartridge
  • Fully automatic time card feed & alignment - eliminates operator mistakes and reduces time required to punch in and out
  • Accumulates total worked hours, prints totals directly on the time card
  • Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, or Monthly pay period
  • Accommodates overnight shifts
  • Unlimited punches per day (64 total per pay period)
  • Prints 12-hour or 24-hour time
  • Prints day of week or date of month
  • Prints calculated totals in minutes or 100ths (decimal)
  • Calculates actual or rounded time
  • Flexible rounding available per punch or total hours
  • Automatic Daylight Savings Time adjustment
  • Missing in/out punch override
  • Available calculation rules (revision zones) to control early in / late out punches
  • Program up to 3 break/lunch deductions
  • Available setting to turn off calculation, a Compumatic exclusive. Use the XL1000e as a Fully Automatic non-calculating time clock!!
  • Multi-Language support: English, Spanish, French & more
  • Locks securely to prevent tampering
  • Built in lithium battery protects all data during power outages
  • Wall or table mount
  • Easy to program (free setup support included)
  • Optional full power reserve (fully functional during outages) sold separately
  • Optional relay available to control external signal sold separately


  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 6” x 4.5” x 8”
  • Voltage: AC 100-240V 50/60Hz
  • Environment: 23°F-113°F, humidity 20%-80%
  • Weight (approx): 3.1 lbs

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